So, I was told the transisition from 1 kid to 2 kids was the hardest. And since that wasn't so bad, I was thinking, "I got this." Well, you all lied. I don't know if it's because I now have more children than hands, or if I just happened to time the little guys arrival with a whiney period for my girls, but I am about to beat the girls, and lock them in their room. The baby isn't so bad, it's Layni trying to push him off my lap when he nurses, and Nora screaming, "NO!" everytime I ask her to do something. It's driving me crazy!!! It all just reinforces to me that we are DONE. Finished. No more children.
Anywho... on to the birth story! So, April 2nd was really windy. I had an OSC Board meeting that morning, so I got a babysitter, and went to Starbucks for a Chai Latte (which was FABULOUS) and went to my meeting. My back had been hurting really bad all night, and during the meeting it just got to be horrible. So I figured I'd better call the doctor just to find out if he wanted me to come in or not. On the way home, I passed Dave running and flagged him to come to the house. Got home, sent the sitter home, called the doctor and the doctor said, No more monkeys.... wait... the doctor said, come in and get checked. Dave was like, "Whatever, you're fine, I'm going back to work." So, I found another sitter for the kids, and went to the doctor's office. This is at about 2 p.m. So, the doctor checks me, and I'm not dialated or anything, but he decides to keep me overnight to get this back pain under control, so they wheel me over to the hospital. When I get there, they hook me up to all the monitors and guess what! I'm having contractions! Like every 4 minutes. So about 5 p.m., they decide to go ahead and take the baby. I called Dave at work and was like, "GET HERE NOW." So, I wait, and wait, and he doesn't show. Then they start getting everything ready and he's still not there. They roll me to the operating room, AND HE'S STILL NOT THERE. They get me all prepped and ready to have the surgery, AND HE'S STILL NOT THERE. So, I'm panicking. Then they get the call, he's there. THANK YOU LORD. He made it, just barely. He ran from the Maternity Ward to the operating room, and got there just in time. After that, everything went fine, and Jonathyn was born at 8:22 p.m. The doc even played my favorite Eagle's song, which was cool. I find it very ironic that with the girls, I really wanted to have a normal birth, but never went into labor, and with the one planned c-section, I went into labor on my own. Oh well, he's here and we're all happy.
Things have been crazy since then. The girls are finally getting used it him being here. They just won't stop whining and fighting with each other. That's the part that's driving me crazy. But Peanut is a good baby. He doesn't cry very much at all, just when he's hungry, which isn't often. I make enough milk for about 3 babies, so there's plenty and since I nurse on demand, his little tummy is always full. He sleeps pretty well too. We just moved him out of our bed this weekend. I don't mind co-sleeping but Dave can only handle so much of my hippy-dippy parenting crap. But we're doing good. I'm working on getting into some sort of a routine. Hopefully that will help the girls and be good for him too. We've just got to do something about the girls misbehaving. I can't deal with this much longer.
Now that Peanut is here, we're focused on the move. We've talked to our Real Estate agent, and he sent us a bunch of listings. Most we aren't interested in, but there are a few that caught the eye. We'll see what happens. We're also keeping an eye on the rental market just to see what's available there. We're leaving July 18 and taking our sweet time getting to Arkansas. We're going to St. George, to see Dave's grandparents graves, we're going to the Grand Canyon, we're going to stop in Albuquerque and check things out there, and we're probably going to stop in Ada and see my Grandma. It'll be a long trip but it'll be good. And Dave will get to leave with me, Yay! We thought he'd have to stay, but things worked out right. And the best news? His last full day of work is July 2nd!! Which means, as of Saturday, he has 2 months left in this job!!! W00T. By the time he leaves, he'll have been up there for nearly 15 months, and it's a 12 month assignment. Let's just say, he's very ready to be done. So, the movers and the cleaners come the week of July 13th, and then we head out! (Provided we pass inspection). We're blessing Peanut in Tulsa on the 2nd of August, then spending a week in Kansas, then heading to Ohio for househunting. We're leaving the kids with Dave's dad for a week while we do that. That will be nice, a week without the big kids. We'll take Peanut with us, he's too little to be away from his mommy, and he's not hard to control like the big kids.
Anyway, Nora is banging on my piano, screaming about getting dressed, so I'd better take care of that. Kids, kids everywhere and not a paddle in sight.
11 months ago