Monday, March 2, 2009

Bullets... but not the kind that kill people

Unless you count death by powerpoint. Anyway.

  • Best deal of the past week: $180 worth of merchandise at Macy's for $24. Heck yeah. And one of those items is a pair of rockin' post baby jeans. And Old Navy having their Perfect Tees on sale for $5. I live in those things. Finally I can start to rebuild some of my wardrobe (I haven't bought clothes for myself in 3 years).
  • Best moment of the past week: Some amazing brownies that my amazing Visiting Teacher brought over. Those were so good Jessica, seriously. Dave had one before I got home, but then he didn't get anymore. There are some perks to being pregnant. You can sit and eat like 11 brownies in a sitting and not feel guilty.
  • Can you believe I'm having a baby in like 5 weeks? That's crazy. Good news is, I'm crazy busy in those weeks. This week, tomorrow I've got a billion errands to run, then an OSC meeting at night, Wednesday an OB Appointment and a Relief Society Presidency meeting, Thursday it's another OSC meeting, and piano lessons, Friday it's do-nothing day, and Saturday is my baby shower! But the good news is that time flies when you're a busy busy bee.
  • I now feel like an expert on 501(c)4 non-profit organizations. Not that it will help me much ever again, but I feel like I've learned something today.
  • I'm thinking about taking another shower. Which will be my third one today. No wonder my belly itches. Dry skin and all. When people ask me what I crave as a pregnant woman, I always answer with ice and showers. It's a compulsion. Speaking of which, I need a new bag of ice. I've polished off an entire 8lb bag in like 3 months. This is not cool.

Anywho. That's all I got. The shower is calling my name.

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