I decided to wait until the new year to start using this blog. Not sure why, but it seemed appropriate. Anywho, what to write? I guess I'll start with the holidays. They were good, not great, but good. Dave got two electric razors, and he hates electric razors. They give him wicked razor burn. He's trying to sell the better of the two on eBay because he doesn't want a Dillards gift card (that's where my mom bought it). The girls got enough toys to sink a ship, not kidding, we sent 7 boxes of stuff home, and another 2 are coming from Dave's parents. I got yarn, which makes me happy, and some other stuff that I wanted, so I'm happy. And since my parents forgot to get me a birthday present, Dave surprised me last night with an immersion blender, which is the one thing I really wanted and didn't get. Nora was really cute at Christmas, I told her that it was Jesus' birthday, and she asked "where's his cake?" so we had to make Jesus a birthday cake. Since we don't do Santa Claus, I'm OK with her thinking that the reason we get presents on Christmas is because it's Jesus' birthday. Overall, a good Christmas. And I'm very glad to be home.
Now the new year!! All of the stuff we have to do in 2009 seems much closer now that we're past Christmas. April 10th is like right around the corner! This is crazy. Dave and I have been tossing around some ideas for projects lately, and it's always ended with "we'll talk more after Christmas", well, now it's after Christmas!! We're thinking about building the girls some bunk beds. Dave is really handy with woodworking, and for about $100 and a couple weekends worth of time, we can build some nice looking bunk beds. We've been looking at getting bunk beds for a long time, and we thought we had found some at Wal-Mart, but my parents had the same set and they were so rickety!! I did not feel safe with my kids on those beds. I KNOW Dave can build something sturdier than that. He's been asking for a miter saw, and I was planning to get him one for his birthday, so this will be a good excuse to get one sooner. Then we need to make dresser drawers, but honestly, I think I can do that, especcially if we get the saw. Yeah, we're furniture building freaks around here. I'd like to get the girls moved into the bigger bedroom and get the babies room set up before too long. I know he won't use it for very long, but I'd still like to have it all ready to go when he comes home from the hospital.
Dave and I are still fighting about where to live in Ohio. The more I think about it, the more I'm on the rent side and the more he thinks about it, the more he's on the buy side. My issue it TPS (Test Pilot School). My husband's dream of dreams, is to go to TPS. He wants that TPS Grad shoulder patch BAD. So far, he's on the right track. He's getting his technical master's, and he's already talked to his boss about a recommendation (his boss is the Wing Commander, and a TPS Grad). Now he's talking about when he wants to apply. And he's thinking during AFIT. I'm against that for several reasons, the first being that makes three and 1/2 years of very high stress jobs with no break. He needs a break. The second is that leaves him no time for flying lessons, which will help his chances of getting accepted. I think I've got him talked into taking whatever assignment he's given after AFIT, and waiting until he's got enough time on station to apply to TPS. Well, the issue that that his TOS is only 2 years. So, we would be in a house for 3 years before he starts applying for TPS. He is saying, "Well, we'll just rent the house". I'm saying that there is no "we" in this. He'll be in TPS, I would be the one renting the house. And I'm not up for that. If I wanted my own business, I would have one, and it certainly wouldn't be renting houses!! So we're still fighting about it. And we're still fighting about the DITY move. All in all, this Ohio move is very stressfull!!
Anywho, I need to go. I've got about a billion things to do today to get this house back up to snuff after the trip. And I think my girls are busting down walls and such, which is never good.
11 months ago
YAY you're posting! I can't believe you have so much going on in the months to come!
Hey I found your blog! Yeay for adding stuff to Google Reader and giving me MORE excuses to procrastinate whatever it is that needs to be done!
Birthday cake for Jesus? That's AWESOME! In Hungary, I was shocked and dismayed to learn that it's actually Baby Jesus who gives presents on Christmas morning there. Does that seem just WRONG to anyone else?
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