I wish I were talking about a Wii. Dave is driving me crazy. I usually don't blog about my marriage, because for the most part, that's none of your business. But I'm going to make an exception, because he's driving me crazy!!! So, the original plan was for us to move to Ohio, him to go to AFIT, then take a 4 year tour in Ohio, then start applying for Test Pilot School. Now, TPS is Dave's dream. He's been dreaming about TPS since he was in ROTC. It's all he wants to do. Seriously, if he didn't get into TPS, I think he'd separate from the Air Force. It's his DREAM. And I'm fine with that. I know he wants it, and I fully support him. Or I did until last night. See, he came home and announced to me that he wanted to start applying for TPS while he was still in grad school. Um. That wasn't the plan, and I'm a bit worried about him taking on three high stress jobs in a row in 3 years. The plan was for him to take a break so he doesn't get burned out. Nope, now that's out the window. Well, whatever, I'll deal. I'm an Air Force Wife for gosh-sakes!! I can deal with anything! Then he drops this one...
"I still think we should buy a house in Ohio."
WTF? Are you kidding me? You want to live there for 18 months, and buy a house? With no down payment, in a crappy market? Meaning, we'll have no equity when we go to sell, in 18 months? To which he responds with...
"I don't think we should sell it, we'll just rent it out."
WTFH? Seriously, where is the hidden camera, because I think we just won America's Funniest Home Videos. They've never had a pregnant woman having an aneurism before have they? When we decided to buy in Ohio, it was under 2 assumptions, 1) We would live in the house for 5 1/2 years, thus building up equity and allowing the market to recover and 2) When it was time to move, we'd try and sell the house for 6 months, and if it didn't sell, then we'd rent it out for 1 tenent, then try to sell again. I DO NOT want to be a landlord. I have never wanted to be a landlord, and having been a renter for a long time, I actually pity most landlords. Nor do I think it's a very profitable business idea. And by very profitable, I mean, at all. The response?
"We'll make our money on the appriciation of the house."
Oh, so we'll have to be landlords for a long time? That's my idea of heaven. I worry about stuff happening in the house we live in, can you imagine how neurotic I'll be having to worry about stuff happening in another house too??? Holy crap! Then comes my favorite line of the night...
"Well, I'll take care of everything, you won't have to worry."
To which I call a big honking fat BS. We have lots of friends who have done TPS. Some currently in TPS. I've seen those guys, there is no free time to spend with their families, much less free time to worry about a rental house 2000 miles away. Oh no, the rental house would be my responsibillity. A responsibility I have no desire for. Just the thought of doing this gives me the heeby-jeebies. I do not want to be a landlord. I do not want it in a car, I do not want it in a bar (which ironically, is where I might end up, once I've been driven to drink by the stress of this!!).
So, ultimately, I've decided to be the mature one about this. I'm just not going to talk about it anymore. He can't buy a house without me, well, without me divorcing him for spending that much money and not telling me, I'm not going to talk about buying a house anymore, if we talk about housing, I'm not even going to entertain the idea of purchasing a home. It's rent or live in the car. Because seriously...
Is this not the worst idea you've ever heard???
11 months ago
1 comment:
I have a solution for you. Buy a RV. Then he can rent it out to old people. Or just live in it. :-)
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