I feel weird today. And the weather isn't helping. Rain, rain, go AWAY!! I wanted to take the kids to the park today, but with it raining that won't happen. And even when it stops, it'll be nothing but mud. I'm going to try and take them to the indoor playground here on base, but we'll see what happens. At least we'll go to the library. I've just got to the get them out of the house today. We won't survive being cooped up like this!!
My body is being weird too. If you ask me, it feels like I'm getting ready to have a baby. Which I shouldn't be, considering that I'm only 33 weeks. But I don't know, something strange is going on. And I'll be the first to admit, I'm no expert when it comes to going into labor. The only times I've been able to do it on my own were when it was early, and had to be stopped. With Nora, my body just kind of gave up after 36 weeks (after trying quite hard for the previous 6 weeks!), and I had to be induced at 42. With Layni, it would start up, then stop, then start, then stop, and we all know how that ended up. This is different though, it's like my whole body is gearing up for something, where before it was just my uterus. Or maybe I'm just going crazy. That's a completely reasonable conclusion. I've been telling Dave for a while that the inmates were taking over the assylum up here. We'll see what happens in the next few weeks.
My projects are coming along. I'm halfway done with Nora's quilt. And halfway done with the crib blanket. Those were supposed to be completed yesterday, but I'm thinking my time-table may have been a bit ambitious. The crib blanket should be done in a few days, it's going pretty quickly. It's the quilt that's going to kill me. It's not going very fast at all. But it's the next to last project, and I've got 6 weeks to finish it. I'm sure I'll get everything done before the baby comes, it's just hard to see the end when you're in the middle. Dave is working hard on the bunk beds. He got all the wood cut, and most of the holes drilled. Now he just needs to sand them, and he'll be done in the shop! That will help a lot. The shop is only open from 9-6, so he can only go on Saturdays, which means 4 days in the shop takes 4 weeks. Once he gets the sanding done, then he'll bring it home and the girls and I can paint everything and get it ready for assembly. That will be fun, hopefully assembly shouldn't take very long! No matter what though, we're moving the girls into the play room and getting the nursery set up on March 1st. That will be awesome.
Well, I need to go hit the shower and get dressed so I can take the girls out of a bit. It seems to hae stopped raining (for now), so it's a good time to be out and about. And maybe I'll snag a $5 footlong while I'm out. Sounds good.
11 months ago
I've been wondering how the bunk beds and the quilt were coming along....
Finally got my quilt back from Jeremiah's mom. It'll be on it's way up to Seattle in a week or so.
Wow--I didn't realize how close you are to the finish line, yeay!
I'm all about the little treats like the $5 footlongs. Especially for very pregnant ladies with cabin fever.
I might get a cookie while I was at it to boot.
My body did something similar right before I went into labor with Lily. It's the only time I've gone into labor on my own and the only way I can think of to describe it is i just felt "off." And I couldn't get comfortable in any position. I just wanted to sit and not move. I started having contractions that night. Of course, I was 39 weeks at the time, not 33. Hopefully your body will wait a bit before it kicks into high gear!
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