Monday, February 23, 2009

Why I oughta....

Sometimes I wish I had an anonymous blog so I could post all the horrible things I think about some people with no chance of it getting back to them!! Michelle is not feeling very Christ-like today!! (And no Jessa, it's not about you, your visit was one thing that made me smile today!)


Ashley said...

Heehee. I totally know what you mean.

rebecca said...

So what you mean is that you need to make up an anonymous blog. Or maybe just vent on someone else's? There are sites that let you blow off steam like mother in law from hell. I am pretty sure this isn't about your mother in law, but you know, there are outlets.

Katlin said...

Blogspot allows you to pick and choose readers by email addresses or limit it to ONLY you.

Xanga has "Friends Only" features.